
The following is a list of papers (sorted by themes/topics) that my collaborators and I have worked on (up to year 2021). A full list of up-to-date preprints/techical reports and publications is available at arxiv and Google Scholar.

(1) Randomness, machine learning and open dynamical systems

  • Soon Hoe Lim, N. Benjamin Erichson, Francisco Utrera, Winnie Xu, and Michael W. Mahoney. Noisy Feature Mixup. Preprint (2021) [link] (accepted in ICLR 2022)
  • Soon Hoe Lim, N. Benjamin Erichson, Liam Hodgkinson, and Michael W. Mahoney. Noisy Recurrent Neural Networks. Preprint (2021) [link] (accepted in NeurIPS 2021)
  • Soon Hoe Lim. Understanding recurrent neural networks using nonequilibrium response theory. Journal of Machine Learning Research 22(47):1−48 (2021) [link]
  • Soon Hoe Lim, Ludovico Theo Giorgini, Woosok Moon, and John Wettlaufer. Predicting critical transitions in multiscale dynamical systems using reservoir computing. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30, 123126 (2020) [link]

(2) Homogenization, multiscale analysis and model reduction of open dynamical systems

  • Soon Hoe Lim. Anomalous thermodynamics in homogenized generalized Langevin systems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 54, pp 1-36 (2021) [link]
  • Soon Hoe Lim, Jan Wehr, and Maciej Lewenstein. Homogenization for generalized Langevin equations with applications to anomalous diffusion. Annales Henri Poincaré, 21, pp 1813–1871 (2020) [link]
  • Soon Hoe Lim and Jan Wehr. Homogenization for a class of generalized Langevin equations with an application to thermophoresis. Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 174, Issue 3, pp 656–691 (2018) [link]
  • Soon Hoe Lim, Jan Wehr, Aniello Lampo, Miguel Angel Garcia-March, and Maciej Lewenstein. On the small mass limit of quantum Brownian motion with inhomogeneous damping and diffusion. Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 170, Issue 2, pp 351-37 (2017) [link]

(3) Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of open dynamical systems

  • Ludovico Giorgini, Soon Hoe Lim, Woosok Moon, and John Wettlaufer. Precursors to rare events in stochastic resonance. Europhysics Letters 129, 40003 (editor’s choice) (2020) [link]
  • Stefano Bo, Soon Hoe Lim, and Ralf Eichhorn. Functionals in stochastic thermodynamics: how to interpret stochastic integrals. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Volume 2019, Issue 8, pp 084005 (2019) [link]
  • Aniello Lampo, Soon Hoe Lim, Miguel Angel Garcia-March, and Maciej Lewenstein. Bose polaron as an instance of quantum Brownian motion. Quantum 1, 30 (2017) [link]
  • Aniello Lampo, Soon Hoe Lim, Jan Wehr, Pietro Massignan, and Maciej Lewenstein. Lindblad model of quantum Brownian motion. Phys. Rev. A 94, 042123 (2016) [link]